- Kathryn C. Hahn Writing Fellowship, Department of Biology, University of Washington- Received a quarter of fellowship, which I will use in Spring 2024.
- Registration and accommodation support, and a $1450 travel award, Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life Conference, 2022.
- Elizabeth Adkins-Regan award for the best student poster in the Division of Animal Behavior, Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2022.
- Robert T. Paine Experimental & Field Ecology Award & Fellowship, Department of Biology, University of Washington- Received two quarters of fellowship in Spring 2021, and Spring 2022, and a $2500 research fund.
- Research award from Vulcan Inc. titled “Preserving a Healthy Ecosystem from the Bottom Up”- Received $5000 funding to perform field experiments in 2021.
- WRF Hall International Endowed Fellowship, Department of Biology, University of Washington- Received 3 quarters of fellowship, in 2018, 2019, and 2020, and a $7000 cash award to cover moving expenses to the University of Washington.
- Charlotte Mangum Student Support, Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology- I have received this fellowship in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 which covers either registration or accommodation costs at the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology conference.
- CSIR NET fellowship, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Government of India- 2017
- Inspire fellowship, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India- While I pursued an integrated BS-MS in IISER Pune between 2012-2017, I received a monthly stipend and summer contingency grants under the Inspire fellowship.